
A key goal of ELI is to make available relevant resources for academics, practitioners, policy makers and students. Certain considerations guide how we will use this space:
- We wish to avoid creating what might be termed as a “Resource Dump” where we upload hundreds of resources that may or may not be used or useful to our audience. Instead, we will largely put up resources linked to thematic discussions on our blog. For example, the first two themes we propose to take up are Multilingualism and Children’s Literature. Therefore, you can expect to find resources linked to each of these themes in the coming months.
- We wish to avoid infringement of copyright laws by putting up scanned articles and chapters from books. Instead, we will provide brief annotations of interesting/useful articles and chapters, and will provide a link to the original sources, where available.
- In addition, we will put up a few “General Interest” resources; as well as “Talks, Presentations and Papers” by ELI team members.
- Keeping in mind the diverse backgrounds and needs of our participants, we will try to provide a range of resources – from dense academic pieces, to how-to-do pieces for harried practitioners, brief handouts, and multimedia resources (where available).
- We encourage our audience to send us relevant resources for the website. We will reserve the right to curate these resources and put up only those we deem to be appropriate to our audience/objectives.
- While the resources section will start off in a deliberately modest manner, it is expected that over time, this section will expand, as more and more thematic topics are taken up for discussion.
Interested readers can click on different categories of resources for more information on them.